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Postdoc position
We have an opening for a postdoc position!
Research Assistant position
Graduate students
We welcome inquiries regarding the opportunities in the lab for graduate students at any time. Interested students should prepare an electronic application that contains the following documents merged into one PDF file (with filename YourLastName-YourFirstName.pdf):
- One-page motivation letter (indicating: (a) why you are interested in joining the lab, (b) why you are a suitable candidate for the lab, and (c) how you foresee your contribution to the lab),
- Full curriculum vitae ,
- A copy of all university transcripts,
- A writing sample, not to exceed 20 pages (a published work, or a draft of a work in progress),
- List names and contact details of three reference persons,
- One-page description of your proposed thesis research project.
The application should be submitted by e-mail to Dr. Rahimi (at We thank all students for their interest in joining the lab. However, we will only communicate with those whose application is a good fit to the lab.
Undergraduate students and Research internships
All the available slots for research internships, undergraduate students or volunteers for summer 2023 have been filled. But you can apply for Summer 2024 by sending your CV and one-page motivation letter (indicating: (a) why you are interested in joining the lab, (b) why you are a suitable candidate for the lab, and (c) how you foresee your contribution to the lab) to Dr. Rahimi.

Get in Touch
Mailing Address:
5858 Cote-des-Neiges Rd,
Suite 300
Montreal, Quebec
H3S 1Z1