Our Projects

Research Projects

Research Project:

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the second leading cause in Canada, with 206 Canadians, the majority of them women, dying from CVD each day. To address this critical health challenge, our team leads an international, multidisciplinary project called CARDIO-TWIN, which is funded by the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF). CARDIO-TWIN aims to improve early CVD detection and prevention by providing primary care providers with personalized risk factors and prevention strategies, focusing on women’s health. This project seeks to streamline existing healthcare procedures and enhance patient-centered care, offering scalable solutions for CVD prevention that can improve healthcare outcomes globally.

Research Project:

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remain the leading cause of death among women, and recent data suggest mortality is increasing. Artificial Intelligent (AI) can play an important role in supporting clinicians and patients, yet rarely used. In this project, we aim to develop and test Xi-Care system for facilitating prevention and management of CVD in primary health care.

Research Project:

AID: Artificial Intelligence system for assessing and improving community-based Dementia care

In Canada, the proportion of adults over 65 years old with dementia was 9.2% in 2014, representing 564,000 people. This number is estimated to rise to 937,000 people in 2031. Dementia care cost Canada $20.9 billion per year. Accurate identification/predictions may help in dementia care and decreasing its costs. In this project we aim to collect data on physical movements of elders with dementia by monitoring their daily activities in-home continuously and develop an intelligent system, called AID, to detect/predict risk of dementia among elders.

Research Project:

Equitable and Inclusive AI for Healthcare: Advancing EDI Principles in the Life Cycle of AI

The project will address the need for equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the development, deployment, and implementation of AI-enabled technologies in healthcare. By integrating EDI considerations into the life cycle of AI in healthcare, the project aims to foster inclusive and equitable AI systems for healthcare settings.

Research Project:

Artificial Intelligence for efficient Community based Primary Health Care

This project will result in an inventory that will inform future studies and increase awareness about existing AI interventions in community based primary health care and their outcomes, including a list of the knowledge gaps, needs and preferences about AI in community based primary health care.

Research Project:

The goal of this workshop is to identify best strategies for: prevention and management of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 using AI, reducing public anxiety and mitigate global transmission risk during pandemics such as COVID-19.

Research Project:

Long-term care (LTC) facilities have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 in many countries including Canada. At one point, Canada had the highest record of COVID-19 deaths in LTCs among the world’s wealthiest countries; Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, and Nova Scotia represented over 70% of all Canadian COVID-19 deaths. One of the crucial challenges for LTC facilities was their ability to identify, isolate presumptive cases in a timely manner to prevent outbreaks and monitor health status changes of residents without exposing staff to increased risk. AiCoV19 project seeks to develop an AI empowered system to identify/detect COVID-19 at early stages among LTC senior residents.